Our Impact

At Abacus we are committed to promote and manage high impact projects to positively transform the economic, social, environmental and cultural reality of our surroundings.


  • We are investment managers of sustainable businesses in Colombia.
  • We structure, develop and manage tourism projects; we believe in tourism as an engine of development.
  • We structure and operate Shared Value Creation plans.
  • We promote and enhance the development of economic alternatives, independent of the mining industry, in La Guajira. Today, 50% of its GDP comes from it.


  • We prioritize to local employment, during construction and operation phases.
  • We develop training processes to improve technical and personal skills of human resources.
  • We seek growth of the business involved in our value chain, to expand their market possibilities locally and regionally.
  • We promote and lead social innovation processes.


  • We structure and advise the development of renewable energy projects.
  • We promote LEED and EDGE certifications in all our Real Estate projects.
  • We have the first portfolio of LEED certified projects in Colombia.
  • We developed the first EDGE certified housing project in Bogotá D.C.: Tekto Museo.
  • We are developing the first sustainable impact bond in Colombia.


  • We ensure the preservation of the indigenous culture of the regions where we work.
  • We promote the development of an eco-tourism cluster with the communities, seeking to protect biodiversity and respect cultural identity.
  • We support prior consultation processes with different indigenous communities in the country.

Some numbers of our impact

Tekto Museo

  • Total savings of 80t CO2 / YEAR 
  • 21% energy saving
  • 38% water saving
  • 39% energy savings incorporated in building materials

Waya Guajira

  • 78% are local employees and 89% are household heads.
  • 40% of purchases are from local suppliers
  • 30% of the energy consumed is self-generated through solar panels.
  • 80% of the project area is for conservation.

We work together with strategic partners to enhance our impact


We are members of SER Colombia, an association committed to the development of renewable energies in Colombia. It was more than 70 associates' companies.
We actively participate in the technical working group, which promote the development of renewable energies in the country.


We are founding members of the Colombian Green Building Councils, an organization that promotes sustainability through the building and construction industry.
Currently, we are part of the group of experts working on the Net Zero Carbon Building Accelerator project.

We lead the Suma Tus Manos Alliance, along with two other organizations. It is an Alliance that works since 2018 to contribute to the sustainable development of the community of Cabo de la Vela (La Guajira) through the implementation of projects that promote the conservation of the seagrass ecosystem and at the same time promote the empowerment of the community.
Through this project we are leading the design of the first Sustainable Impact Bond in Colombia.

We are active members of the circular economy table of La Guajira, which seeks to support the development of a regional model that enhances an efficient management of materials, water and energy.
